Update on Where Everything Stands…and Why it Matters

by Jan 19, 2022Blog

Hello Wednesday Wonk readers!

I hope each of you is enjoying a Happy New Year! Today the Wonk will briefly review where things stand on several important pieces of legislation–and suggest how we might move forward.

Is Build Back Better a lost cause? Regular Wonk readers will recall that President Biden originally proposed the Build Back Better legislation which dealt with social infrastructures such as in-home services for the elderly and persons with disabilities, universal prekindergarten, Family Medical Leave, prescription drug services, and other matters. As reported by Deseret News, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) said ““Despite my best efforts, I cannot explain the sweeping Build Back Better Act in West Virginia and I cannot vote to move forward on this mammoth piece of legislation.” One way forward may be to” do portions of the Build Back Better proposal via the appropriations process. According to Yahoo News, Senator Tim Kane (D-VA) said, “I still believe … we’re going to find the core of the bill and pass it….I think we have to go into that Build Back Better bill and do the core provisions that reduce costs for Americans,”

Will Some form of Voting Rights legislation pass? This is the big question being asked today! The Hill reports that since Senators Joe Manchin (D- WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) refuse to suspend the filibuster and allow the Voting Rights legislation to pass with a simple majority. Without the suspension of the filibuster, many fear the Voting Rights legislation is dead. Nevertheless, Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) plans to hold a vote in the Senate on Tuesday. The Senate will vote on ending debate on legislation that merges the Freedom to Vote Act, which overhauls federal election and campaign finance laws, with the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which strengthens the 1965 Voting Rights Act. This article in Roll Call gives an analysis of the Voting Rights bills. Likewise, this video explains the details of how we got to this juncture and how we may move forward. One proposal being discussed is a scenario whereby Republicans would be forced to ‘hold the floor–meaning they would have to keep talking about voting rights–or concede the floor. This proposal is discussed at length by The Hill.

What’s going on with the Infrastructure monies?

Last Friday, Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg announced the availability of $27 billion to build and/or repair our nation’s bridges. According to Roll Call, these monies “are expected to help repair some 15,000 highway bridges. It included $26.5 billion for states and $825 million for tribal bridges and includes incentives to spend money on “off-system ” bridges, which are typically not on the federal highway system.” This is the only real progress the Wonk can report this week!

The Wonk–like most of us–is frustrated!! Dems need to learn to walk, talk and chew gum! What would happen if we had some thoughtful talks with Senators Mitt Romney (R-UT), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Susan Collins (R-MI). These are our fellow countrymen, for goodness sakes–not aliens from outer space!! Moreover, there are plenty of ways Congress can move legislation when they want to! Finally, the Wonk is tired of members’ complaints. I will be running an editorial next week about finding common ground. I ask you to read it and please let me hear from you!

Until then, happy reading!

By Kathy Roy Johnson

Kathy worked for a U.S. Senator for three years in the mid 1970’s. Thereafter, she worked as a lobbyist for United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc. before joining the Federal government as Congressional Liaison. She retired in 2015 and live in Silver Spring, Maryland with her husband, Ed and their beagle/basset hound, Jake.


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