Hello and Welcome to my Website!

I’m delighted that you have chosen to learn more about my book, Capitol in Crisis. This is a fast-paced novel about an explosion which takes place on Capitol Hill, entrapping several people. What ensues is a complex rescue operation leaving readers asking themselves a single question:

Will they reach the survivors of the explosion before it’s too late?

Capitol in Crisis is also a story of faith and its impact in the secular world. Some of the characters in this book have a strong faith which shines through while other characters are distinctly secular. You will meet true-to-life characters in Capitol in Crisis whose lives are transformed forever as the events of the story unfold.

Have I piqued your interest yet?

Super! Sign up here to receive selected excerpts from Capitol in Crisis before it’s available on Amazon. Please check back often; I’ll tell you more about myself—but more importantly the story and characters who live in the pages of this book. For those interested in how Congress works, check out my weekly blog The Wednesday Wonk where I share some details of working on and around Capitol Hill for thirty-eight years.

So who is Kathy Roy Johnson-and what are my qualifications to write this novel?

I am a Federal retiree who had the privilege to work in and around Capitol Hill for thirty-eight years, first as a Research Assistant to a U.S. Senator, then as a lobbyist for United Cerebral Palsy for seven years. The remainder of my career I spent as a Congressional Liaison for two small Federal agencies the National Council on Disability and the U.S. Access Board respectively. Thus, I’ve spent a good deal of time knocking around the Hill and I’ve come to appreciate the many plethora of individuals who work in and around our nation’s Capitol. I had the idea for this novel some time ago and began writing, then rewriting, until finally, I found the courage to share it with you, my potential readers.

I have learned one thing from authoring this book: writing takes many different and unexpected turns! In the coming weeks, I’ll tell you about the character who wrote himself into the book; about the many times I almost threw the manuscript out my window, and about some of the things I struggled to come to grips with as I wrote this book.

Until then,

Cheers and Best Wishes,

Kathy Roy Johnson


A Suspense Thriller set in the heart of the Capitol

Simone Perez, Architect of the Capitol, is stunned when an explosion which rocks the Capitol, collapsing the tunnel which connects the House and Senate Chambers and trapping several people.

Simone promptly assembles an Interagency Committee to help her assess the damage to the Capitol and develop a strategy to rescue survivors. . She also assumes responsibility for briefing the press, making her job even more daunting. As the story unfolds, members of the Committee work together to find survivors and bring them to safety.

We meet several true-to-life characters like Fire Chief Earl Bentsen who recognizes that time is of the essence and Rob Tate, a skinny maintenance worker who realizes that he can reach the Café as well as the mechanical room by crawling through an old vent space.

Through several twists and turns, Simone maintains a steady hand, aided by the Speaker of the House, John McIntyre, who finds her very attractive. Although it seems an impossible task, one by one, victims reunite with their families.


“Kathy Johnson arrested my attention from the opening paragraphs of this lively and informative work and kept it to the end. Her attention to details, in particular the intricate configuration of the tunnels that crisscross like spaghetti under the Capitol building, is compelling on its own but, more importantly, adds authenticity to the author’s grasp of her subject. Kathy’s portrayal of the emotional and power interplay between the leading characters is both subtle and revealing. Also, one will not miss the delicate manner in which she validates disability and demonstrates that it is no hindrance to personal fulfilment, normality and the capacity to help others.

This is a book that I will come back to from time to time.”

Don W. McFarlane, D. Min.,

Pastor for Administration, Sligo Seventh Day Adventist Church,

Takoma Park, MD

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