
Untold stories, personal insights, and more…

Raising the Debt Ceiling

Raising the Debt Ceiling

The Wednesday Wonk has a confession to make: I may have lied to you, my faithful readers! In an earlier blog post, I suggested that the Federal government would not shut down this year. However, that was before the latest brouhaha over the debt ceiling emerged. Before...

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The Office of Management and Budget

The Office of Management and Budget

Often in the news you will hear a reference to the Office of Management and Budget or OMB.  What does OMB actually do?  Who actually works at OMB and do they really know anything? Let’s take a look at some quick OMB facts. Originally created by the 1921 Budget and...

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End of the Fiscal Year for Federal Agencies

End of the Fiscal Year for Federal Agencies

Yikes! It’s already September 8th!  That can only mean one thing: lots of Federal employees are busy making certain of two equally important matters.  With the end of the current fiscal year—all expenditures must be completed.   Second, what will happen in the...

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A Federal Agency Goes Out of Town!!

A Federal Agency Goes Out of Town!!

This week, the Wednesday Wonk will talk about exactly what happens when an agency of the Federal government goes out of town. As you read this article, it’s important to keep in mind that I worked for the National Council on Disability and the U.S. Access Board.  Both...

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The Senate Parliamentarian

The Senate Parliamentarian

This week’s Wednesday Wonk takes a look at the role of the Senate Parliamentarian in passing legislation.  Why is this so important?  How does this actually impact the legislative process? Currently, the Senate Parliamentarian is a woman named Elizabeth MacDonough as...

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The Federal Register

The Federal Register

This week’s Wednesday Wonk focuses on the role of the Federal Register in fostering sound governmental practices.  So, what exactly is the Federal Register and why is it so important?  Does anyone really read this stuff? The Federal Register began in 1935 under...

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Architect of the Capitol

Architect of the Capitol

As many of my readers already know, the Wednesday Wonk is also the author of the novel, Capitol in Crisis.  The main character of the book is Simone Perez, Architect of the Capitol.  What exactly is the Architect of the Capitol and what does that office actually...

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The Congressional Research Service

The Congressional Research Service

This week, the Wednesday Wonk talks about the Congressional Research Service or CRS.  Wait—I thought you told us that Members of Congress have a small army of staff.  Now you’re telling us there’s another agency which Members of Congress can consult on policy matters?...

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The Congressional Record

The Congressional Record

It occurred to the Wonk that, although I’ve explained a number of Congressional procedures, I’ve never told you how they keep track of it all!  Today the Wonk will give you the details of the Congressional Record including, how is it produced, what exactly does it...

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Presidential Appointees

Presidential Appointees

In this week’s Wednesday Wonk we’re talking about Presidential appointees.  Did you know that—according to Wikipedia—there are approximately 4,000 Presidential appointees scattered throughout the Federal government?  What does this small army of people actually do?...

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A Case for Bipartisanship

A Case for Bipartisanship

Over the last several weeks, regular Wednesday Wonk readers have learned the basics of the Congressional budget process. It’s an intricate and time-consuming process.  In the end, Reconciliation allows whichever party is in power to pass a major bill with a simple...

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When I was about six years old, my Daddy talked my Mom into buying a boat.  They bought a twenty-eight foot cabin cruiser which Mom named Kismet---it was meant to be!  Never one to do anything half way, Daddy had taken a Power Squadron course, learning the ‘rules of...

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Capitol In Crisis

"Anyone fascinated by DC and the Capitol and anyone also desirous of knowing what the “hoi polloi” who serve the power brokers experience and feel every day will enjoy this book."

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